Hi, I'm Steven.

I write, make art, and make tools for life.

Here on Ink and Feet, I write about humanity — each of us, and all of us.

Personal stuff - like love and fear and vulnerability, and how we find and live our most authentic, meaningful lives.

Big picture stuff - like culture, technology, and the future we're building.

I also deal with depression as a part of my life, and sometimes I write about that too.

I spend most of my time on my weekly letter, and also make a few books and courses that help folks live their very best lives and go after their dreams.

From time to time, I also still coach some amazing people who are changing the world. (Though I do less of that these days, just from time.)

Five years ago, I sold everything I owned, bought a one-way ticket to Thailand, and set off across the world. Since then, I've lived on six continents, learned five languages, given a TEDx talk about all the big ways I've failed at changing the world, and had my mind cracked open more time than I can count. And I'm still going.

Here on this site, you can find what I've learned so far - and join me as day after day, we keep on discovering.
