We only save information you tell us to save by typing it in and hitting save.
We don't sell or share your info with anyone.
We use google analytics for site measurement, but it's not connected to you specifically. We're getting rid of it, too, but aren't there yet.
Go to your account, and click "Download My Data". It's literally every single bit of data that's stored about you in our systems.
Nope, not individually. We do keep an eye on how many visits pages get on the whole, so we know what's working and what's not - but it's never associated with your account or subscriptions (if you have them).
Nope. All your information stays here.
The lone exception is (as of December 2020) that we do still use Google Analytics to help with statistics, and we're hoping to move off of them in 2021. But that data is never connected with anything you save, or your subscriptions.
Legally, "we" is Ink and Feet, LLC, based at 1603 N Capitol Ave, #310A244, Cheyenne, WY 82001 USA.
Practically, "we" is me, Steven. :)
Just me, Steven. This is still a sole proprietorship, and I'm the only one with the keys. All of your data is encrypted multiple times with multiple keys, so even the folks running the servers this website is on can't see it.
Yup. Go to your account, and click "Delete My Account". You'll see a short screen explaining what's going to happen, and a button to confirm. That's it, and it's immediate.
I'd love to hear it, and add it to this FAQ. Email me at steven at this website. :)